pgca - PGCA: An Algorithm to Link Protein Groups Created from MS/MS Data
Protein Group Code Algorithm (PGCA) is a computationally inexpensive algorithm to merge protein summaries from multiple experimental quantitative proteomics data. The algorithm connects two or more groups with overlapping accession numbers. In some cases, pairwise groups are mutually exclusive but they may still be connected by another group (or set of groups) with overlapping accession numbers. Thus, groups created by PGCA from multiple experimental runs (i.e., global groups) are called "connected" groups. These identified global protein groups enable the analysis of quantitative data available for protein groups instead of unique protein identifiers.
Last updated 5 months ago
4.00 score 3 scripts 192 downloadsriv - Robust Instrumental Variables Estimator
Finds a robust instrumental variables estimator using a high breakdown point S-estimator of multivariate location and scatter matrix.
Last updated 7 years ago
1.00 score 7 scripts 306 downloads